Through our ups and downs, we’re here for you.

Doing research or cbr was our first time because we were preparing ourselves for a higher battle. At first, it was very difficult to understand and comprehend all of the system or ways to do i. But somehow, we managed to get it through together because we all worked and cooperated for us to accomplish something we have been hoping for. Doing something that you’re not particularly well known of will make you feel change or scared. Of course it is not normal but i know we’ll get through any challenges is our lives. We just have to accept it and fight! This was my perfect view going to our leader’s house for the first time. Yes, i took this in the morning whahah. This is us going to the Barangay hall to look and get informations from the Barangay Captain himself. Cool kids, yes. Unfortunately, the Barangay Captain was not able to attend us but his employees were so kind and considerate to help us look for information from the “Journal book” of wonders of Ayusan Norte The “Journ...