
Showing posts from February, 2025

Through our ups and downs, we’re here for you.

Doing research or cbr was our first time because we were preparing ourselves for a higher battle. At first, it was very difficult to understand and comprehend all of the system or ways to do i. But somehow, we managed to get it through together because we all worked and cooperated for us to accomplish something we have been hoping for. Doing something that you’re not particularly well known of will make you feel change or scared. Of course it is not normal but i know we’ll get through any challenges is our lives. We just have to accept it and fight!  This was my perfect view going to our leader’s house for the first time. Yes, i took this in the morning whahah. This is us going to the Barangay hall to look and get informations from the Barangay Captain himself. Cool kids, yes. Unfortunately, the Barangay Captain was not able to attend us but his employees were so kind and considerate to help us look for information from the  “Journal book” of wonders of Ayusan Norte The “Journ...

Reflect on your mistakes

The Learning and discoveries i have gained this quarter is about research, cbr and cooperation. It really hits different when you’re around people who lift each other rather than letting them fall apart. The challenges i have encountered is about managing my time and priorities. Girl, i had a hard time doing all of those things at the same time so i ended up having to breakdown everything. I’m sorry, it’s my coping mechanism. Yes, i know it won’t help but it is what it is I addressed them by setting up my priorities first and making the least of them last. But, breakdown first. Yet, i realized that i was just wasting my time so i did do them all while crying whaha.  Moving on, i will continue to learn and to thrive on my amazing journey as a Grade 10 student. Well, we can’t help but feel sad and devastated by all the homeworks but i know we can do it, together! 


  Chinese New Year, A Year where People from China celebrates. Of course it is a big deal when an event comes one after another. But, it doesn’t affect me that much in what way or angle. Aren’t you interested on what i did on chinese new year?  Firstly, i didn’t do anything special. We did not attend our classes because it was cancelled due to the New Year. But, i had a great time hanging out in our house, haha. Okay, what i did was lay down, eat, watch tiktok, scroll on social media and did my homework. That’s it, nothing special. Just another day of living, while others celebrate, i’m stuck at home being a couch potato which i love love.  As i’ve said, i didn’t do anything special. But, they have my whole respect to their celebrations and any other events so i won’t even complain about it.  So, Happy Chinese New Year to all out there! Xièxiè nǐ, yuàn shàngdì bǎoyòu!