Holy Christmas

Christmas, the best wonderful time of the year. well, i’m not very pleased on how i spent my christmas.

We spent our christmas on the hospital. why? my father’s left kidney has to be removed since a big “thing” grew inside it and it’s very dangerous when it stays there. the date of his surgery is on the nov 24 which is christmas eve. Thank God that his surgery was successful and we had to celebrate it. 

We bought some lcarbonara and pizza from shakey’s tas our food. we didn’t eat it all so we gave some to the nurses, body guards and the people who cleans my father’s room. they were really kind btw. 

But, it doesn’t feel like a merry day for us. because, we were still worried for our father’s condition, we are far away from home and to our dogs. it is not fun staying at a hospital when all you can think about is your pets at home, hihi. 

Well, i’m still grateful that nothing worse happened until this day from now, we’ve received nothing but blessings and love from all the people around us. i really appreciate those kinds of people whom checks up on you and prays for your father’s health. i’m really glad those people exist. 

So, that is how i spent my christmas. i hope you enjoyed it, sending you warm virtual hugs and kisses. if you went through a tough time aswell, just know that i’ll always pray for you to make it out. fight


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