New year, New me? If you’re going to ask, what’s my new years resolution. Well, it’s simple really. I just want to grow taller hihi. Kidding aside, i wanna start with getting more closer with God. It’s a new year for me to change and to learn things from my mistakes from the past. He helped me through every obstacle i had faced from now, and ofcourse, i have someone to support me in any shape or form. He's the reason why i believed in God's power, his grace and even his wisdom. Without him, we wouldn't be here anymore. I had made a lot of sins, and yet, he forgave me. Because, i was still his child. I was a sinner, but he helped me overcome it, he helped me to become a better person. So, i will do anything in God's will to do what's right and what is best for me and the society. Second, improve myself. I have been told that i’m loud and sometimes (always) crazy. well my dear friends, from now on, i will try to lessen that and control my actions and words next time!...